Monday, May 19, 2008

"Why I Write" - Extracts from Andrew Lansdown

Andrew Lansdown is one of Australia's very gifted poets, and writers:
From his article: 'Why I Write', the following are his eleven reasons:

1. Writing is a means of discovery. ...the work becomes something different from and more than I had imagined at the outset.
2. Writing is a means of clarification.
3. Writing is a means of paying attention and attributing worth.
4. Writing is a means of expressing praise and gratitude.
5. Writing is a means of keeping record.
6. Writing is a means of expressing interest and love.
7. Writing is a means of protest and protection.
8. Writing is a means of communication.
9. Writing is a means of exploring and enjoying language.
10. Writing is a means of achievement and satisfaction.
11. Writing is a means of satisfying a compulsion.

(These 11 are just the headlines. And good headlines at that. The details appear in his book: Andrew Lansdown, 'Abiding Things', Studio, 1996, p. 86-88.)

I too like writing, but have been busy writing theological teaching papers, of late, and have neglected a little enjoyable scribble, of thoughts, and insights. Have a try at writing! You may get a nice surprise!