Friday, February 16, 2007


For the next few weeks (Feb. 2007) our church is looking at, and listening to, the Creation account in Genesis 1.

Eugene Peterson has been a great help to me in dealing with the text. He says: "The most prominent feature of Genesis 1 is its rhythmic structure" (Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places). In reading the text aloud, something profound takes place. We are brought into the action, by faith. We are incorporated into the beat. We are called to keep in step with the Spirit. This is to be our way and flow of Life, in Christ. It is the mandate for all creation.

Genesis 1 should thus be read together with John 1, and Colossians 1:15-20.
Of God's Son, Jesus, the Christ, we read, amazingly: 'All things were created through him and for him'.
In hearing the Word of God, our Creator-Father, we are plunged into depths, which are full of sheer wonder.

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